09 ianuarie 2011

Barack Obama is a test tube baby !

Barack Obama is a test tube baby /
Or a failed experiment of the US Navy

Barack Obama Music video.
Music & Lyrics by Earthling

Barack Obama - The brainchild of the people REALLY in charge!

A President using "Hope" with such audacity
Article 2 scrapped for "democracy"
Withholding details of his real birthplace
Your constitution, again, slapped in the face

And "We want change" from a man with a negro look
But you've let them dupe you with another crook
He's no JFK and there is no change
Funded by Goldman Sachs now ain't that strange?

Barack Obama is a test tube baby
Or a failed experiment of the US Navy

IMF calls for austerity
They may be fooling you but they're not fooling me
While the Budget orbits for your Uncle Sam
All Since Russia had its "Vietnam"

And Brzezinski and Kissinger strategise on the Grand Chessboard
While Americans lounge with their Budweisers and their Superbowl
NSA exploiting your deepest fears
The American dream finally ends in tears

Barack Obama!

Just call me Dubbya I bombed Iraq
Skull and Bones and the Patriot Act
I took some Coke and I had some drink
And then I took America to the brink

My name is Bush and I'm in Rockefeller's pocket
If you don't play the game then we'll send in a rocket
I passed the presidency to Barack Obama
Who ain't quite your black man from Alabama

Barack Obama is a test tube baby
Or a failed experiment of the US Navy

4 comentarii :

Anonim spunea...


va fii presedintele care face , f- mult räu americii.

Riddick spunea...

Mă gândesc ce va urma în cei doi ani de mandat (ori poate mai puţin de doi ani...).

Tüpbebek spunea...

Thanks a lot!!!!
For me is always been a challenge to test the website on different browsers with different platforms, but this list of links made it all easy….
NIce post

Riddick spunea...

It's your site profile, you used key-word "test tube baby". :)

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Alina Inayeh, 2021 ("Ce cred românii despre Est şi Vest" - sondaj): "[...] toți acei 30%, care mie îmi dau foarte multă bătaie de cap, cred că țările occidentale, deci nu numai UE, ci țările occidentale luate așa, ca pachet, au adus mai mult rău decât bine României. Și există un număr îngrijorător de mare, 67% dintre români, deci două treimi dintre ei, care cred că interesul național trebuie păstrat, trebuie salvat, trebuie luptat pentru el chiar dacă asta înseamnă pierderea calității de membru UE. [...] deci dacă interesul național o cere, să se ducă UE unde o vrea, pentru că interesul național este mult mai important. Ne apărăm cu dinții ceva ce nu înțelegem ce. Nu știm exact ce înțeleg românii prin interesul general.


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