Florin Flueraş, cetăţean româno(?) - moldovean, având ocupaţiile de dansator şi activist politic, autointitulat Candidatul prezidenţial (pentru 2014), revine cu un nou happening (cel de dinainte se poate urmări aici), atac împotriva creştinismului (nu doar împotriva Bisericii ortodoxe):
The Romanian Orthodox Church wants to build a huge People's Salvation Cathedral. Of course with the money from the State budged (around 900 millions euro). Ironically will be next to the House of the People, the huge building made during Ceausescu's regime.
They started the construction but they already build also a small, simple, cheap and temporary, cartoon made church, as a way to mark the territory. We made a campaign announcing that that's the People's Salvation Cathedral, and we set the day of 11.11.11 for its inauguration.
At the inauguration I appeared as a priest and, after a very short religious procession, I apologized, in the name of the Orthodox Church, for the exploitation and commercialization of gypsy slaves by the Romanian Orthodox Church till the 19 century (a taboo issue for them).
I announced that the orthodox churches will be day and night open, for the homeless people, that are more and more on the streets, evacuated from their homes by the banks.[...]
6 comentarii :
Ce organizata poate sa fie stanga !.... Incredibil.Pe toate partile...
Cu dreapta lucrurile stau prost, foarte prost.
Nu se simte ca ar exista un centru care sa organizeze rezistenta si lupta impotriva stangii....
Ăsta e agent provocator, a fost și la Atena (printre anarhiști, desigur, nu printre grecii furați de propriul lor stat), colaborează și la criticatac.
Cateodata sunt socata de cata organizare este.
Trebuie dati in vileag mereu si mereu dezechilibratii astia !
si churguardul cela cu barba si pleata care il tot imbranceste, cine e...pare o fire deschisa, un om inteligent si tolerant si ajuns acolo probabil printr-o coincidenta fericita.
Cred că e din "dispozitivul" noii ctitorii, ca să zic așa. Trebuia chemată poliția.
Discrediteaza biserica...
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