Circa 30.000 de arme au ajuns în posesia cartelurilor de droguri din Mexic, dintre care cel puţin una a fost folosită împotriva unui agent de pază a frontierei american, care a fost împuşcat mortal. Furnizorii - agenţii guvernamentale: JD, DEA, FBI, DHS, BATF.
>> Another scandal that could take Obama down (WorldNetDaily)
4 comentarii :
It now appears the money used by the known criminals in Mexico was federal "stimulus" money.
Este incredibil ce face omul asta!
Sper sa fie acuzat de inalta tradare
"Or is it more likely that the ideologically driven Obama administration, which detests the constitutionally protected right of every American to own and bear firearms, was actively participating in a diabolical political program to put U.S. guns into the hands of Mexican gangsters as part of a false flag operation that would be used to seize the guns of U.S. civilians?
Acum am ajuns la taste, am umblat toată ziua...
Deh, cu indivizi de genul asta, glonţul e soluţia, ca la Kennedy.
Si eu m-am gandit ca asta o sa i se intample pana la urma ...
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