European Evening of the EPP Group - The answer is more Europe
On Tuesday, 8 February 2011 the EPP Group in the European Parliament is celebrating its annual 'European Evening' in the Galleries Royales Saint-Hubert in Brussels.
"The euro turned out to be an efficient shield limiting the impacts of the financial crisis. However, the crisis showed that we can't take anything for granted and that we need more Europe to safeguard our future. The demographic, industrial, technologic and security challenges ahead are numerous, and the EPP Group in the European Parliament works every day to find solutions to them. We recognise the great responsibility this involves and see it as our task to keep Europe moving forward," said Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.
The purpose of the EPP Group's European Evening is to bring together key political players in an informal setting to inspire for the future.
The EPP Group is pleased to welcome the following speakers at its European evening:
- Jerzy BUZEK MEP, President of the European Parliament
- Herman Van ROMPUY, President of the European Council
- José Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission
- Viktor ORBÀN, Prime Minister of Hungary
- Wilfried MARTENS, President of the EPP Party
The event is by invitation only
For more information click here
6 comentarii :
Banditi cu staif !
S-au ras pe bot de votul meu pt. 2014 şi după, chit că vin sub forma PDL (sau cum s-o numi atunci) în România. La europarlamentare sper să fie alternativă.
Sunt curios ce va spune Orban.
Ca sa mai spuna si Orban?
S-a facut sub ochii nostru un Imperiu German de ne crucim in fiecare zi cum se intande in Romania.
Cred ca la asta a contribuit foarte mult Ion Tiriac care a tot adus "mari afaceristi germani" de ne sufoca.
Alimentele s-au scumpit imens in supermaketurile lor.
Un litru de lapte este 5 lei ! Aproape ca s-a dublat fata de acum 2 ani
UE aduce preturi europene la salarii de mizerie
Cu ăştia trebuie luptat serios, furca-n gât, nu cozerii de salon.
Bineinteles !
Daca n-as lucra zilnic cu astfel de specimene, nu m-as lupta atat!.
Trebuie sa ne vedem interesul si numai interesul si sa cedam foarte greu.N-au ce cauta finetzurile. Rece si la obiect.
Cand sunt incoltiti si stiu ca n-au iesire, cedeaza imediat , chiar se umilesc. Ti se face si sila cateodata cand ii vezi cat de mici sunt.
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