This is but a 1/4 of the magnificent Documentary created by the John Birch Society.
it is a Republic
I'm sure most never learned this in school (unless you attended a private or parochial school)......
James Madison (father of the Constitution) wrote in the Federalist Papers, "Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general been as sort in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths".
Alexander Hamilton said, "We are a Republican government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of democracy".
Samuel Adams (signer of the Declaration of Independence said, "Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself".
The founders knew that the democracy of the early Greeks produced some of the wildest excesses of government imaginable.
The Democrats in Congress (and currently the White House) are trying their hardest to convince Americans that we are a Democracy. The only way to achieve their 2 class system is to do just that. You'll have the servers and the served. They required a "dumbed down electorate" and it begins with withholding valuable information regarding our history.
You've heard the adage "a people who don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it", well where the Romans are concerned, our democrats are trying their HARDEST to repeat it.
Watch this excellent video and see if you don't see today's government hidden in Roman history.
Our people, had better learn the difference soon, or it will be too late.
11 comentarii :
Excelenta postare, mai ales in vremurile astea
Prea ne-am învăţat să preluăm concepte pe nemestecate.
În România, Republica a fost compromisă de comunism, Monarhia se compromite în post-comunism, trebuie reset general !
Imi place inceputul:
O femeie:
-Ce ne-ati adus Domnule ?
Benjamin Franklin
-O Republica, daca puteti s-o pastrati.....
Mi-am salvat si eu postarea asta.Este de "aur".
Am mai vazut clipul ,dar acum se potriveste perfect cu tot ceea ce este acum
Fara o resetare generala-nu facem nimic.
Reforma statului e principala prioritate
Pe la 1770-1800 oamenii mai aveau principii, chiar îşi riscau viaţa pentru ele. Azi eşti catalogat drept "fraier" daca ai acest tip de atitudine.
Da, si eu m-am gandit la anii 1700-1800-lumea era cu picoarele pe pamant.
Acum parca au degenerat.
Unii zic chiar ca noi am luat-o razna si ne pierdem timpul cu prostii.
Ma doare capul cand aud :(
Eu sunt foarte marcata de ce am trait pe timpul comunismului..-de lipsa de libertate,de domnia prostilor
Ai idee unde as putea citi cel mai bine cate ceva despre "republica" ?
Aici, dar are specificul american:
Este şi link pe dreapta blogului, la litera "F".
Deasemenea, aici:
Iar pentru specificul european, aici:
şi aici:
Iar o perspectivă mai "fundamentalist-religioasă", aici:
Multumes frumos :)
Voi citi putin mai tarziu
Republica americana a luat foarte mult de la un ilustru precedent,republica romana.America se afla acum in aceeasi faza in care se afla Roma dupa ce-l invinsese pe Hanibal si puterile elenistice:controleaza lumea fara a o stapani in mod direct.Pe cand transformarea in imperiu?Cine stie...
Cu Obama moţ, nu cred că îşi controlează bine nici propriul teritoriu. Azi imperiile se manifestă altfel, nu este nevoie să ai neapărat mult teritoriu.
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