18 octombrie 2020

Un colonel rus: "Acest război (din Caucaz/Arţakh) este în pregătire de minimum doi ani"

Dar acum doi ani a fost lăsată să ia puterea la Erevan o clică Soros, în urma unei "revoluţii colorate". Deci astfel s-a anihilat parţial capacitatea de apărare şi "de voinţă" a viitorului stat atacat (Armenia); atacat militar, că deja atacul "asimetric" a reuşit. Mulţi minimalizează "ce se întâmplă acum" între Azerbaidjan şi Armenia, dar eu cred că este doar un început, şi va urma un crescendo (deja vedem şi Belarus, Kârgâzstan, şi aproape sigur va urma şi Repmoldova - după alegerile prezidenţiale).

Ţin la teza asta ("proprie"): "puciul anti-Erdogan" din 2016 n-a fost altceva decât o imensă manipulare, spre a-l "legenda" pe Erdogan (şi desigur şi Turcia) drept un aliat nesigur al NATO/SUA, şi spre a-l face credibil pentru un aşa-zis "parteneriat" cu Rusia. "Să-i adoarmă pe ruşi". Dar iată Turcia în tabăra opusă Rusiei cam peste tot "unde contează":
- Ucraina (cooperare militară, nerecunoaşterea apartenenţei Crimeei la Rusia)
- Libia, Siria, Yemen (susţinerea facţiunilor anti-Rusia, în primele două ţări chiar direct)
 - SUA/NATO: pâi Turcia... încă tot în NATO, după ce vreo 200 de militari turci de la Cartierul General NATO au cerut azil politic după "puci" (= agenţi străini cu acte turceşti, acoperiţi şi apoi recuperaţi de "aliaţi")
- Iran, Israel (Rusia şi Turcia susţin "partea opusă", în timp ce mimează bunele relaţii cu cealaltă parte; pe plan militar se iese din ipocrizie: se ştie "cine cu cine")
- Egipt (Turcia susţine subversiunea Frăţiei Musulmane, Rusia cooperează militar) 
- iar acum şi în Arţakh/Armenia

Strelkov o spusese încă din 2014: "Pe Rusia o aşteaptă războiul":

Fort Russ News:

Russian Colonel Zhilin: ‘This Is Erdogan’s War Against Russia For The Caucasus’

Following is an English translation of the October 1, 2020 on-camera remarks by Ret. Colonel Alexander Ivanovich Zhilin of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation provided to The Armenian Weekly.

Originally at The Armenian Weekly– Published Oct 14, 2020 FRN

The war has started. Azerbaijan attacked Armenia along the entire length of the Line of Contact. As always, it all happened quite unexpectedly for the two neighboring states [countries], but I think that our fabulous intelligence had information regarding the preparations for this war.

This war has been in preparation for a minimum of two years. Azerbaijan was being trained by Turkish as well as American specialists. I do not view these military actions as a battle for Karabakh (Artsakh). Karabakh is secondary in this case. This is Erdogan’s war against Russia for the Caucasus. This is Casus belli (an excuse for war), and the way we have been building our relations with Turkey will now cost us dearly. What do I mean? Look at the declarations of Turkey’s leader. They are harsh. They are precise. In fact Erdogan announced that Azerbaijan is a resource for achieving his certain objectives. The objectives are global.

I would like to say that no matter how much fun they make of Mr. Erdogan here, today he is one of the most effective politicians and leaders. He is cynical, he is shrewd, and he and his council are able to foresee situations. If we simply evaluate our relations with Turkey under Erdogan’s rule (I am saying this with a feeling of certain shame), he had us everywhere, wherever it was possible. We labored to build a nuclear plant, we laid pipelines, we opened our markets for him, and so on. Today, after the immense expenses for construction of those gas and oil pipelines, factually, the delivery [supply] has been stopped. We are suffering losses all around. Moreover, this war, which Azerbaijan instigated under Turkey’s pressure, is extraordinarily dangerous for the Russian Federation. We are a multinational state, and while everybody is analyzing whether Karabakh is occupied or unoccupied territory, the danger comes from the Turkish side. Hence Azerbaijan as an arena and a resource also becomes our strategic enemy. Let’s say this in all honesty: Azerbaijan is not a partner. We do not have any partners. We have either those who are consumerists or enemies. This is how the situation stands in the 21st century.

To say today that it is somehow possible to come to terms with Mr. Aliyev via some political consultations is a delirium [nonsense]. It is a delirium. One can come to terms only by taking a hard position. For example,  we can say behind closed doors that for 72 hours we are closing all Azeri businesses throughout the Russian Federation, starting with markets to all those Food Cities, and so on and so forth. We can work things out with Kurds so that there will be shockwaves in Turkey. We also have other resources that we must implement in order to extinguish this [war]. The developing situation there is catastrophic for us. What do I mean? Both sides now feel extreme mutual hatred. That is obvious everywhere. If, say, in Armenia or in Azerbaijan the policy is to instill hatred toward the neighbor, then even in the Russian Federation the same kids from Azerbaijan permit themselves in my opinion to conduct flagrant actions. We all remember too well that the Food City complex refused to serve Armenians and almost threw Armenians out [of the stores]. You are in a third country, gentlemen! What are you permitting yourselves to do?

I am further extrapolating this situation. The pressure keeps increasing and increasing. Someone prognosticated a situation as follows. Some strange people with some kind of characteristic accent deliberately storm into a school. It is a provocation. It can be done by anybody— the CIA, by anyone. It can be done by guys [khloptsy] from Ukraine. So, God forbid, they start butchering children from Armenia, or children from Azerbaijan at school. Let’s say it’s been randomly established that there [at school] children from Armenian or Azeri Diaspora study.

What is Russia to do when the Caucasus rises, when Azerbaijani or Armenian Diaspora rises, and all that turns into a bloody mess? Do we have forces to stop all that later, when that process is in full force? What am I talking about? I am talking about that little war. If Erdogan succeeds in reaching certain objectives and if we (God forbid) treacherously betray Armenia, then our authority in Caucasus will become a total zilch [naught]. We will not be able to control the situation there. We will be obliged to… I don’t even know how to act. Because in this case it is about activation of dormant cells. All that exists and all that works against us. Therefore, when this war is discussed, we have to realize that in my view (and I can be wrong): first Ukraine, then Central Asia, then Eastern Europe, then Belarus, then frankly speaking, this little war. All those events are stemming from one united anti-Russian plan. That such a plan exists, I think, our intelligence reported to the political administration. One of the distinguishing marks is that we conducted the Kavkaz 2020 [Caucasus 2020 military exercises] with significantly  (at the last moment significantly) increased potential. Those Kavkaz 2020 exercises were a form of warning: lads, don’t play with fire. They did not heed. Neither Erdogan nor anyone else heard [the warning]. [Voice of the interviewer: “Nor Aliyev. He never grasps warnings.”] Not at all. The consolidation there is on these levels: Washington, Ankara and Baku. A technological lineup on the road to organization of an interethnic nationalistic little war in Russia, a most fierce one from which practically there is no exit, to create within the Russian Federation an explosion which will simply tear apart our country.

Today we do not have such potential as to counterweight these processes. There is no ideology [or] image of the future. In this case, I think that the situation should be viewed as critical, and every sort of leverage ought to be used first and foremost against Turkey. Because – I underscore – because if over there the circumstances develop in favor of the plan which is being implemented, then we will not lose only Caucasus, but we might lose [our] country.

I would like to address our remarkable Kremlinites with a request. Please ask your advisors, your area specialists to compile a historical document on Russo-Turkish relations. How many times has Turkey been armed against Russia? Who told you gentlemen who sold S-400 to our unconciliatory foe Turkey that these missiles will not be used against our airplanes taking off from Gyumri? Who told you that? Has Erdogan fulfilled even one single promise given to Putin? Do we not see how Turkey attacks us in Syria? Do we not see that Turkey attacks us in Libya, attempting to throw away all our oil resources? Do we not see [Turkey’s] behavior in other areas? Please give me an example: who is as actively acting against Russia today as Turkey does? Even the USA is not acting as actively against us as Erdogan does. I want to say once again that Erdogan is a very strong politician, whoever might make fun of him. Thus far he has only victories. We have only bluff.

6 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...

spre a-l "legenda" pe Erdogan

Legendare (argou "profesional", R.S.R.) – oferirea unei acoperiri plauzibile unui informator sau ofiţer al Securităţii infiltrat într-un grup sau instituţie care se afla sub atenţia serviciilor secrete.

Prin extensie: infiltrarea unui agent propriu în rândurile inamicului, furnizându-i o identitate falsă sau o imagine falsă, de susţinător al taberei inamice.

Vlad Tepes spunea...

Care ar fi formularea, ne-R.S.R. a TERMENULUI ''LAGENDARE'' ???
Sau si termenii au culoare politica ?
Poate si ''conspirare'' nu mai convine in capitalismul nazist multilateral dezvoltat !!!
Cit despre Turcia, ma intreb de ce a cumparat armament de ''virf'' de la rusi daca lucreaza impotriva lor ?
Nu vreau sa dezvolt rationamentul, dar nu cred deloc faptul ca Turcia este anti-Rusia !

Riddick spunea...

Am specificat "R.S.R." doar fiindcă în definiţia "clasică" apare termenul "Securitate" (cu S mare). Termenul era "consacrat", îl cam ştia lumea, apărea şi-n cărţi ba parcă şi-n vreo două filme scoase pe atunci. Iar mai jos am dezvoltat "conceptul".

Conspirarea n-a fost niciodată "un mister". Atacul Sistemului este contra "conspiraţioniştilor", adică împotriva celor care dezvăluie fapte atât de mârşave şi de incredibile, încât sunt greu de crezut - deşi reale - iar Sistemul îi atacă exact pe zona de credibilitate ("hai, domn'e, te uiţi în gura ăstora?!").

A cumpărat exact de chichi, să perpetueze cacealmaua şi să le dea aliaţilor reali parametrii armelor ruseşti de vârf (sunt sigur că nu au primit S-400 "varianta maximă", de uz intern rusesc).

Anonim spunea...

Si rusii si americanii sau turcii , plus toate tarile serioase , au comandamente strategice care , fac scenarii si se pregatesc ca atare pentru orice fel de amenintare la adresa lor cu mult mai inainte ca acea amenintare sa fie pusa in practica . Nici macar nu considera PREZUMTIVA acea amenintare ci o trateaza la modul cel mai serios . Fix cum n-au facut guvernarile romanesti desii pandemia de COVID 19 era anuntata cu vreo cativa ani INAINTE de acest blestemat 20...20 !

Gabriel spunea...

Au dat Caucazul pe Siria și vom vedea ce altceva. Poate avem surprize chiar în Moldova, având în vedere Găgăuzia și buna relație cu Dodon. Bonus, pedepsesc și o revoluție portocalie.
Importanța strategică a Caucazului e un mit cu rădăcini în sec XIX, cel mult XX. Georgia era oricum pierdută exceptând Abhazia și Osetia de Sud, iar Armenia nu contează.
Caucazul nu i-a ajutat absolut cu nimic pe ruși în Siria, de pildă.
Au mai observat și alții micul pact Ribbentrop-Molotov ruso-turc, ieri am citit și în Adevarul aceeași idee.

Riddick spunea...


... iar din noiembrie 2019 s-a dat alarma "COVID" pe canalele NATO pt. membrii NATO "plus Israel şi Australia" (cred că şi pentru Noua Zeelandă). Fiindcă ştiau ce-au făcut ("însămânţarea de la Wuhan", mai apoi reluată "la aliaţi", în Italia cel mai vizibil).


E o teorie de care aflasem şi eu, de văzut dacă se va confirma. În Siria (Idlib), turcii tocmai au adus tancuri grele Leopard2. Nu c-ar fi "o escaladare spectaculoasă", dar arată o preocupare de a sta acolo.

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Marga, 1995 ("Filosofia Unificării Europene"): "Identificările etnice ale românilor sunt în mare parte tradiţionale. Acestea caută să abată atenţia de la problemele concrete ale prezentului şi de la nevoia modernizării instituţionale spre abstracţiunile trecutului. Pentru mulţi intelectuali este limpede că naţionalismul, prin demagogia sa, generează stagnarea şi degradarea ce favorizează doar grupuri sociale incapabile să se adapteze lumii moderne. Intrarea în noua Europă, nu doar geografic, ci şi instituţional şi cultural presupune mai mult decât o alegere, presupune o schimbare a modului de gândire, de asumare, pe lângă devizele paneuropene, a unei abordări europene, o abordare disponibilă la compararea performanţelor, orientată spre modernizare şi având ca perspectivă unitatea europeană". 


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