12 octombrie 2020

Too Much Democracy

"Voting has lost much of its meaning because those who work their whole lives, put their children through college, operated a business and employed many people, are now made equal, through voting, to lifelong welfare recipients, born from mothers on perpetual welfare. What makes manners worse is that welfare voters are supported by productive persons' heavily taxed income. Thus, producers have stopped having children, since their money goes to supporting the rabbit-like reproductive behaviour of people that work against their interests. Inevitably, this leads to the decay of society, as we now see all around us."

Văzut şi din alt unghi:

I am, by and large, unconvinced by the concept of collective bargaining. It inevitably implies that most of the people who are represented by the union don't get the exact deal that they want. More importantly, I am equally convinced that, as with our parliamentary "representatives", once you hand over your interests to them, they become secondary to the interests and the motivations of the "representative".

Niciun comentariu :

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Cătălin Predoiu, 2013: "Cunoscuta 'axă' Washington - Londra - Bucureşti trebuie să includă şi Berlinul. 

Cătălin Predoiu, 2013: "Fundaţia Konrad Adenauer este un partener al României. A ajutat mult România, de exemplu, a furnizat experţi pentru elaborarea unor acte normative ale Ministerului Justiţiei. În prezent, derulează un program important de cursuri de guvernare publică, în care sunt implicaţi 120 de experţi în varii domenii. Vom coopta aceşti experţi în aparatul tehnic al Guvernului Alternativă PDL, ca staff de suport al miniştrilor noştri. Suntem un partid de centru dreapta care crede în proiectul european şi valorile europene."


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