Well, I knew that snake was my own sweet dad
From a worn out picture that my mother had
And I knew that scar on his cheek and his evil eye
He was big and bent and gray and old
(Johnny Cash - Boy Named Sue)
... sau a bou calls SUE; ori a bou wants SUE... whatever...
Băsescu are tupeul să anunţe public obiectivul pentru care toţi preşedinţii de până acum ai României au acţionat - subordonarea statului român către un centru de putere transnaţional, mergând chiar până la anihilarea sa completă, prin dizolvare.Băsescu a deschis vorba despre SUE în 2011, la Sulina, la şcoala de vară a PDL. De atunci, a tot reluat-o, fără jenă: "Am făcut o trecere în revistă legată de problemele Uniunii Europene şi eu am susţinut nevoia unei mult mai puternice integrări şi nu mă jenez să reiau teza nevoii de a crea Statele Unite ale Europei. Mai mult, am subliniat faptul că nu avem timp de tergiversări şi calendarul unor decizii importante trebuie să fie foarte strâns".
Şi iată-l azi, la congresul PPE: "Singura soluţie pentru garantarea prosperităţii cetăţenilor noştri este o integrare profundă şi accelerată şi ea se poate realiza prin intermediul Statelor Unite ale Europei. Avem nevoie de integrare economică, politică. Salut ambiţia PPE de a iniţia o reformă fundamentală a construcţiei UE în următorii ani astfel încât în viitorul sper nu foarte îndepărtat să beneficiem de un guvern al UE şi de alegerea prin vot direct a Preşedintelui Comisiei Europene".
A devenit evident faptul că numitul Băsescu Traian este un pericol la adresa existenţei statului suveran, naţional şi unitar România (aşa cum este definit în Constituţie). Dar, atenţie şi la celelalte fraude, din USL. O alternanţă în sistem nu ar rezolva nimic.
8 comentarii :
Al doilea clip nu e de azi, ci din 2011.
Boy Named Sue - Lyrics
Johnny Cash
Well, my daddy left home when I was three
And he didn't leave much to ma and me
Just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze
Now, I don't blame him 'cause he run and hid
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was before he left, he went and named me Sue
Well, he must o' thought that is quite a joke
And it got a lot of laughs from a' lots of folk
It seems I had to fight my whole life through
Some gal would giggle and I'd get red
And some guy'd laugh and I'd bust his head
I tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named Sue
Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean
My fist got hard and my wits got keen
I'd roam from town to town to hide my shame
But I made me a vow to the moon and stars
That I'd search the honky tonks and bars
And kill that man who gave me that awful name
Well, it was Gatlinburg in mid July
And I just hit town and my throat was dry
I thought I'd stop and have myself a brew
At an old saloon on a street of mud
There at a table, dealing stud
Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me Sue
Well, I knew that snake was my own sweet dad
From a worn out picture that my mother had
And I knew that scar on his cheek and his evil eye
He was big and bent and gray and old
And I looked at him and my blood ran cold
And I said, "My name is Sue! How do you do?
Now you're gonna die"
Well, I hit him hard right between the eyes
And he went down, but to my surprise
He come up with a knife and cut off a piece of my ear
But I busted a chair right across his teeth
And we crashed through the wall and into the street
Kicking and a' gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer
I tell ya, I've fought tougher men
But I really can't remember when
He kicked like a mule and he bit like a crocodile
I heard him laugh and then I heard him curse
He went for his gun and I pulled mine first
He stood there lookin' at me and I saw him smile
And he said, "Son, this world is rough
And if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough
And I knew I wouldn't be there to help you along
So I give you that name and I said goodbye
I knew you'd have to get tough or die
And it's the name that helped to make you strong"
He said, "Now you just fought one hell of a fight
And I know you hate me, and you got the right
To kill me now, and I wouldn't blame you if you do
But you ought to thank me, before I die
For the gravel in ya guts and the spit in ya eye
'Cause I'm the son-of-a-bitch that named you Sue
What could I do? Yeah what could I do?
I got all choked up and I threw down my gun
And I called him my pa, and he called me his son
And I came away with a different point of view
And I think about him, now and then
Every time I try and every time I win
And if I ever have a son, I think I'm gonna name him
Bill or George anything but Sue I still hate that name
Well, I hit him hard right between the eyes And he went down, but to my surprise He come up with a knife and cut off a piece of my ear But I busted a chair right across his teeth And we crashed through the wall and into the street Kicking and a' gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer
I tell ya, I've fought tougher men
But I really can't remember when
He kicked like a mule and he bit like a crocodile
Nimeni nu s-a asteptat la asa ceva .Cat de perfid si de periculos e omul asta !
Lumea nu conştientizează că şi USL are aceleasi gânduri, dar merge pâş-pâş, nu le trâmbiţează.
Un alt rol al lui Băsescu a fost distrugerea dreptei. Premiu "la egalitate", cu conducerile PnL.
Au reuşit.
Este de neiertat pentru ca totul a fost facut PREMEDITAT
Prin 1998-99 se ocupa cu lichidarea industriei şi băncilor, răspundea de programul PSAL al FMI.
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