28 februarie 2015

Point is, we are now INSIDE Russia, not Ukraine, fomenting regime change

Q Alerts (stevequayle.com):



Just was informed by Russian that has a friend that is his activist associate that this killing is a set up of Putin.

The beta testing of the grid outages here in the US preceded this and were dry runs to prevent the story from getting out when operation lightning happens on a large scale here.

Time is running out for outspoken patriots. This Russian assisination will be used by our government as the casus belli to initiate operation lightning under the guise of killing patriots to blame Putin for retaliation against US and the West of trying to frame him for a crackdown inside Russia. Putin has already said this assisination was politically motivated.

Point is, we are now INSIDE Russia, not Ukraine, fomenting regime change. And what a perfect excuse to start seeing American patriots winding up dead as tensions rise.

Notice how high level Duma members are saying this is not just an attack on dissidents, but on the Russian Federation as well.

Heck, it could have ( probably was) Western assets that assassinated this anti-Putin leader right outside the Kremlin on the day Putin declares Holiday for his special forces, and a day before a huge anti-Putin protest where evidence of Putin's involvement in Ukraine was to come out. Come on!

Anyway, time to Rock and Roll.

Thank you for all your service to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Feb 28, 2015

Un comentariu :

Riddick spunea...

"this killing is a set up of Putin" = acest omor este o înscenare [îndreptată] împotriva lui Putin

Breaking news: FALSE FLAG IN MOSCOW!


Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Alina Inayeh, 2021 ("Ce cred românii despre Est şi Vest" - sondaj): "[...] toți acei 30%, care mie îmi dau foarte multă bătaie de cap, cred că țările occidentale, deci nu numai UE, ci țările occidentale luate așa, ca pachet, au adus mai mult rău decât bine României. Și există un număr îngrijorător de mare, 67% dintre români, deci două treimi dintre ei, care cred că interesul național trebuie păstrat, trebuie salvat, trebuie luptat pentru el chiar dacă asta înseamnă pierderea calității de membru UE. [...] deci dacă interesul național o cere, să se ducă UE unde o vrea, pentru că interesul național este mult mai important. Ne apărăm cu dinții ceva ce nu înțelegem ce. Nu știm exact ce înțeleg românii prin interesul general.


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