cine "nu are răbdare", poate citi textul din clip aici
Mircea Hamza: Pentru uituicii, care au un interes: Turnătoriile la Securitate ale lui Băsescu le-a făcut pe când era student la Academia Navală, nu când era comandant de navă. Alea sunt din alt dosar! Will Putin Wake Up to the Threat of Russia’s Atlanticist Integrationists? / The
Chubais-Kudrin-Nabiullina policy had Russia borrowing from the West for
no reason other than to have Russia vulnerable to sanctions. The
policy had Russia supporting the currencies of the US and EU to the
detriment of the ruble, thus making the Russian currency another
vulnerable point of Western attack, and gave away Russian income to
foreigners by privatizing Russian assets. The policy held back Russian
economic development. For
reasons I don’t know, Putin trusted these leaders of the pro-Western
Atlanticist Integrationists who built dams against Russian economic
development. [...] That
the Russian traitors and Washington agents Kudrin and Nabiullina are
still in office indicates that Putin still has much to learn.
Chubais, Kudrin, and Nabiullina are Washington’s candidates to be
installed as president of Russia once Putin can be overthrown. Although
Chubais has fled, Putin has taken no action against Kudrin and
Nabiullina. [...] Perhaps one day Putin will wake up and have Kudrin and Nabiulina arrested for high treason.
If not, their presence will continue to encourage more Washington
provocations until they bring nuclear war. Addendum: As this article is
about Russia, I did not mention the fact that China has the same Trojan Horse of pro-American elements, including oligarchs who are members of the ruling CCP. Reportedly, Bloomberg finances the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication, founded in 2002. The
school even has a chair named after the Western globalist, Jean Monnet
and indoctrinates its students into happy impressions of the Western
Russian Military Provides Detailed Report on Deaths/Injuries / At the time of the start of the special military operation,
the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with the National Guard, numbered
260 thousand 200 servicemen. During the month of hostilities, their
losses amounted to about 30 thousand people, including more than 14
thousand – irretrievable and about 16 thousand – sanitary. Of
the 2,416 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles that were in combat
on February 24, 1,587 units were destroyed; 636 units out of 1,509
field artillery guns and mortars; 163 out of 535 MLRS; 112
out of 152 aircraft, 75 out of 149 helicopters; 36 Bayraktar TB2 UAVs –
35; 180 out of 148 S-300 and Buk M1 air defence systems; 300 out of
117 radars for various purposes. [...] Since the beginning of
hostilities, the Western countries have supplied the Kiev regime with
109 field artillery guns, 3,800 anti-tank weapons, including Javelin, Milan, Konkurs, NLAW ATGM, M-72, Panzerfaust-3, 897 Stinger and Igla MANPADS.
[...] Today, the number of foreign mercenaries is declining. This was
facilitated by high-precision strikes on their bases and training camps.
On March 13, more than 200 militants were killed and more than 400
wounded in Starichi and at the Yavorovskii training ground alone. I note
that not a single
foreign mercenary has arrived in Ukraine in the last seven days. On the
contrary, there has been an outflow. Within a week, 285 fighters escaped
into Poland, Hungary and Romania, I hope without Stingers and
Javelins. Previous experience has shown that man-portable air defence
systems (MANPADS) and ATGMs are spreading out fairly quickly, along with
the mercenaries who return home. [...] Unfortunately, there are casualties among our comrades-in-arms during the special military operation. As of today, 1,351 servicemen have been killed and 3,825 wounded.
Short Note On Russian (LDNR Too) Losses. / Russian MoD announced the number of losses by combined Russian-LDNR forces. KIAs: 1,351, Sanitary (Wounded etc.): 3,825 (in Russian).
As you can see yourself a classic ratio of roughly 1 KIA to 3 Sanitary
is almost exact. This is exactly what I wrote about two days ago. This
shows, as is known now, that Anglo-American
MSM are staffed with one-cell creatures who know nothing, as is true
for their curators from "intel" who drip all kinds of BS for them, about real war and basic correlates, which do not require special education. How do I assess losses? Under existing conditions and considering a massive scale of operation--they are light.
Planification médiatique de la tension ou réelle descente aux enfers?
/ Si on regarde depuis 2010 – on aurait bien sûr pu commencer bien
avant – la liste des affaires et soubresaut est impressionnante, à tel
point qu’on s’attendait tous confusément à ce que quelque chose vienne
enfin prendre le relais du Covid à bout de souffle, il se trouve que
c’est l’Ukraine de Poutine. Voici la liste :
2010 – Printemps arabes – volcan Eyjafjöll
2011 – Fukushima – guerre en Libye – Zone d’exclusion aérienne – Affaire DSK – Anders Breivik
– Naufrage du Costa Concordia – Mohamed Merah – guerre en Syrie, Al
Nosra fait du bon boulot, Assad ne mérite pas d’être sur Terre
2013 – La Manif pour Tous – la Ghouta – Démission du Pape (première en 7 siècle)
2014 – Maïdan – Annexion de la Crimée – Vente de Mistral – Boeing abattu au-desus de Donetsk
2015 – Attentat Charlie Hebdo – Andreas Lubitz A320 – intervention en Syrie de la Russie – Crise des réfugiés, Alan Kurdi 3 ans sur la plage – Bataclan.
2016 – Brexit et élection de Trump (on parle d’interférences russes)
2017 – Affaire Fillon – Mort de Johnny [Hallyday] – Macron
2018 – Affaire Skripal – Mort de Faurisson – Gilets Jaunes
2019 – Brenton Tarrant – Incendie de Notre-Dame (800 ans), début du Covid
2020 – Covid – assassinat de Soleimani – Poutine autorisé à se représenter en 2024 – Geoge Floyd – Fraude électorale Biden
2021 – Covid – vaccin – Retrait d’Afghanistan
2022 – Ukraine – Décès de la Reine d’Angleterre ?
Ce qui donne l’impression d’un cinéma permanent contrôlé, c’est d’abord que le niveau de tension ne baisse jamais. Dans une actualité réellement indépendante des médias, il devrait forcément y avoir des années plus calmes que d’autres, ce n’est jamais le cas.
Question. Will the traitors never return to Russia again ?
During the war, the activity of counterintelligence, the FSB in this
case, increases sharply against the internal opposition, terrorists,
propagandists of defeatist sentiments, manipulators of public opinion,
provocateurs, agents and personnel of foreign intelligence services,
primarily the CIA. Under these conditions, the CIA summoned its agents
from the persons you indicated to meetings abroad (personal security of
sources is being increased) in order to stop their fear for their own
skin, convince them of the
need to continue cooperation in Russia, give instructions on conducting
subversive anti-Russian propaganda, economic sabotage and espionage in
war conditions. Of course, all of them will be promised political
asylum in the event of a threat of exposure and arrest. Those who
categorically refuse to go back will have the opportunity to stay
permanently abroad.
Question. And what will those who will return to Russia do?
Answer. US
Secretary of State Blinken stated the need to strengthen "information
work" on Russian youth. Therefore, there will be "objective" youth
political, social, entertainment shows, blogs, songs, films, books, and
the press. A lot of things to do both for those who stayed, temporarily drowning their fear in vodka, and for those who will return.
war is not only on the external frontiers”: Nikolai Kaklyugin, a
fighter against sects, talks about “sleeping” cells in Russia / Very little attention is paid to their proselytizing activity, and practically
the entire sphere of rehabilitation services for the population, that
is, drug addicts, alcoholics, say, by 75%, it is under them, under these
Protestants and neo-Protestants, even more brazenly and cynically
distorting the fundamental canons of Christianity. Basically, they are
recruitment cells. I would like to believe that this is a
temporary phenomenon, and in addition to those who packed their things
and left away from Russia, which “suddenly” became unfriendly (after the
start of the special operation in Ukraine), no
one should forget about those who, hiding behind positions and
epaulettes, sit in chairs of judicial, prosecutorial and police offices,
voluntarily or involuntarily becoming accomplices of those whom today
the entire healthy Russian community calls "punishers", "Nazis" and
"Bandera". These are those who for many years, decades covered up and
continue to cover up the intervention of numerous destructive religious
sects, cults, subcultures on the territory of Russia, repelling
information attacks over and over again with fair criticism and demands
to immediately tighten Russian legislation in relation to these
structures - the same foreign agents for essence, who are already
being pressed by the hundreds through the Ministry of Justice,
introducing the concept of “foreign agent” both for the media and
individual individuals. However, the religious emissaries of the
perversion of the Russian spirit and at the same time active accomplices
of the “Euromaidans” are not touched. Someone very high in power is forbidding this. I hope it's not allowed yet."
Albright, the West and the Continuing War on Orthodoxy / The current conflict in Ukraine is horrible, no two ways about it. It did not happen in a vacuum, however.
The West, going all the way back to the Baltic Crusades of the twelfth
and thirteenth centuries, had many missions, one of them being to
convert the pagan Balts (Estonians, Lithuanians, and Latvians) to
Catholicism. In this, they were largely successful. They were not
content to stop there. Instead, they
went further East, into what is now Russia, hoping that they could
bring the Orthodox Christians into the Catholic fold. In this endeavor,
they were handed a resounding defeat, thanks to St Alexander Nevsky, the Grand Prince of Novgorod. [...] It has never stopped doing so. Like the Hundred Years War, this
millennial war between Orthodoxy and the West was intermittent.
Military action was always interrupted by truces, treaties, and changing
alliances. Sometimes even dynastic marriages. But it was always lurking
under the surface. “Ukraine is merely another project for the West, one
in a long line of projects to bring the Orthodox East to heel.
First Constantinople in 1204, then Russia in 1242, with the Battle on
the Ice, then again with the depredations of the Poles and Lithuanians
in the sixteenth century, and then Napoleon in the nineteenth. And who
could forget Herr Hitler? Nor should we forget the Balkans after the
Fall of Constantinople. In
the aftermath of the Great War, the Greeks actually occupied entire
swaths of the Ionian coast and were within sight of Constantinople as
well. (I know, both my grandfathers were there.) But, thinking
that the French and the British would have our backs, we went further
east only to find out
we had been betrayed. British bankers had made a side-deal with Mustafa
Kemal, in exchange for abandoning the Greeks, Kemal gave them the Iraqi
oil fields.
Pentagon Targeting Russian Generals… Is the U.S. at War With Russia in All But Name? / The
Pentagon has admitted it is providing the Ukrainian military with
“actionable intelligence” in combat operations against Russian forces.
If that is confirmed then the United States is at war with Russia. The implications are grave for two nuclear powers. The admission came last week during congressional testimony
by Ronald Moultrie, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and
Security. He was speaking to the House Armed Services Committee,
proudly telling Congress members how the
Pentagon was helping the Ukrainian military fight Russian forces: “We
are making a difference in accurate, actionable, and timely intel.” That
indicates the Americans are involved in providing information to the
Ukrainians for lethal targeting of Russian troops. It is an incredibly sensitive admission.
L’OTAN attaquera la Russie, sauf si… / Mais il faut d’abord faire chauffer un peu la situation au niveau mondial. L’Ukraine
pour les américains c’est loin, ce n’est qu’un petit point sur la carte
et ils s’en fichent. Alors Biden a eu une brillante idée: Avertir que «
les russes » vont déclencher des cyberattaques mondiales. Quand ils
n’auront plus ni électricité ni gaz dans leurs villes parceque des «
hackers russes » auront piraté les systèmes, les américains comprendront
qu’il faut abattre la « Russie de Poutine ». Il sera alors temps
d’organiser une attaque à l’arme chimique ou biologique, c’est facile à
faire en Ukraine où CIA et MI6 sont chez eux. Ils choisiront une ville
pour y répandre leurs virus, laisseront quelques indices « prouvant »
que la Russie a fait le coup, et les choses seront alors claires : Oui,
il faut en finir avec la « Russie de Poutine ». L’OTAN
interviendra alors « à regret mais avec détermination pour sauver le
monde ». Selon les méthodes américaines, ça commencera sans doute par
des bombardements massifs non plus sur les troupes russes en Ukraine
mais sur les infrastructures de la Russie, les forces russes détruiront
alors la quasi-totalité de la flotte américaine avec quelques missiles
hypersoniques bien placés, elles détruiront quelques unités militaires
sur le territoire américain avec les mêmes missiles, et ensuite… On
verra ! Et quand
Biden se rendra compte que la « Russie de Poutine » n’est ni « la Russie
d’Eltsine » qui laissait bombarder la Serbie ni la Lybie ni l’Irak, il
sera trop tard. Simplement car, comme l’a rappellé Vladimir
Poutine il y a 2 jours, l’arme nucléaire sera employée si l’existence
même de la Russie est menacée.
Rostislav Ishchenko on “will Poland invade the western Ukraine?” / Question: do you believe that Poland will send forces into the Ukraine? No, I don’t think the US is giving conflicting instructions to Kiev. The fact is that when
we are negotiating with Ukraine, we are, in fact, indirectly
negotiating with the United States. Because, it is clear that we are
fighting not with Zelensky, but with the United States, now, on the
territory of Ukraine. The United States is at war with us to the last
Ukrainian, but the United States is at war nonetheless. [...]
Therefore, in this case, since two global forces are fighting each
other, the demands are practically global. These are political demands
to each other for unconditional surrender. It is clear that such requirements can only be met if one of the parties has won on the battlefield. Completely won. [...] The fact is that a long time ago, a decade, or even two decades ago, the United States entered into a systemic crisis.
That is, the system built – political, military, economic, financial –
has ceased to correspond to the realities of the modern world. At first,
it was not entirely noticeable … many people generally denied that the
United States could ever enter into a crisis, and so on .. But gradually these crisis phenomena grew,
and Obama was already going to the polls with a statement that the
United States was in crisis and reforms must be carried out. Then Trump
went to the polls with the same thing. Then Biden
came and practically announced that he would implement Trump’s program
because the United States needed to carry out reforms in a crisis. The
fact is that the United States is not in a position to reform the
economy now. In order to reform the economy it is necessary, as they
advised us and everyone else in the early nineties, to go through shock
therapy. That is, without shock, it is impossible to rebuild.
This means that a huge number of Americans will sharply lose their
standard of living for some period of time, and if, for example, in the
2000s, it was about the fact that changes
can be made there, say, in 2, 3, 5 years, then now we are not talking
about this, now we are talking about the fact that this will continue
for decades, that you can go into a New Great Depression and it is not known when you will be able to get out of it.
Europe's LARGEST Natural Gas Storage Facility: EMPTY
/ The largest natural gas storage facility in northern Europe is now
EMPTY of gas. The facility, run by (Russia's) GAZPROM, dropped like a
rock once Europe instituted economic sanctions against Russia.
With this largest facility now empty, industry will have to shut down
for lack of fuel for heating and generation of electric. With the
largest storage facility now empty, the draw-down from all the smaller
facilities will speed up by orders of magnitude, emptying them with ten
days to two weeks. What will Europe do when it has no gas to
generate electric or to heat buildings? Of course, all of this trouble
has to do with Europe sticking its nose into the affairs of
Russia-Ukraine. Now that Europe is demonstrably running out of natural
gas, watch for things between Russia-Ukraine-NATO to get VERY VERY VERY much worse, very fast.
Russia Retaliates on Sanctions; "Unfriendly Countries" Can Only Buy Gas with Rubles
/ In one fell swoop, Russia just sand-bagged western countries trying
to ripple it economically. The West has not only tried to embargo all
commerce with Russia, they have also cut off access to Russian foreign
currency reserves and markets. By
requiring all Russian oil and gas sales to be transacted in Rubles,
Russia is now forcing those western countries to fork over tons of . . .
. cash . . . . into Russian markets, thus driving a stake through the
heart of western efforts to halt commerce and currency exchanges. A
brilliant tactical move by the Russians. Looks like the self-anointed Masters of the Universe in the west, aren't so bright after all.
YOU are Non-Essential and Unsustainable / Not according to me of course, but according to the new leaders of the One World Order, Klaus Schwab (WEF), Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, Mark Zuckerberg, and all of their installed COVID19 GLOBAL RESET partners, Barack Obama (USA), PM Justin Trudeau (Canada), French President Macron, the WEF, IMF, UN, NATO, EU, hundreds of international corporations, including Pfizer, Moderna and J&J, and so many more. This
is exactly how Marxism, Socialism and Communism work. No one has any
human or natural Rights. It’s all about the “greater common good.” Of course, it’s always about the greater common good of the ruling class elites, not you. Guess who gets to decide if YOU are essential and sustainable…and on what basis? To them, YOU have never been “essential”
in their world. In fact, you are mostly just a problem, an “eater,”
someone who brings little or nothing to the grand table, and is merely a
“taker” in society, a “liability,”…or… a non-compliant producer
constantly causing trouble for the elites in their pursuit of total
power over everyone and everything. In their world, there are only three classes of people…only two of them“essential”
1) The elite Ruling Class (them)
2) The “eaters,” those who offer the world little or nothing of value (half of you)
The “producers,” those who keep the world spinning through personal
productivity and pay all of the bills (the other half of you)
Class #1 (them)
is the most important class. Everyone else is expendable in the
protection and sustainability of “them,” the ruling class elites.
A COVID-19 Theory I Cannot Prove / First, I recorded the dates on which each
country announced its first domestic (indigenous) infection, those not
transferred by travel to or from China, not arising from external
contact. These were local infections which had no connection to Chinese
nor to foreign travel; thus, by definition, they originated inside the
country. I also recorded whether any of those nations were able to identify a patient zero: they were not. To my best knowledge, no
country was able to identify a patient zero, and I found scant evidence
that any country except for China had even attempted that search.
Italy was one determined exception, but there were few of these. The US
in particular ignored the prospect and refused to discuss it. [...] The
theory being examined here is that COVID-19 may have been deliberately
released not only in China but in all countries, that the source of the
pathogen was the US bio-weapons labs scattered around the world, and
that the transmission mechanism was US military bases. The
evidence for this theory is largely circumstantial, is admittedly spotty
and some of the threads are quite thin. [...] I have not proven the
thesis proposed at the beginning of this article. We have only
circumstantial evidence, conjecture and hypothesis. The facts presented
are still facts, and they definitely justify suspicion, but they are not
of themselves proof of the US
functioning once again as the Bankers’ Private Army in what would be a
massive conspiracy orchestrated by the European Khazarian mafia.
Nevertheless, my comments may provide food for thought and perhaps
provoke other minds to contribute to the process. The object of course
is to uncover and document the whole truth, whatever that might be.
6 comentarii :
Interesanta abordarea dumitale de la DUDA ZILEI insa, sunt obligat sa ma-ntreb : ce ne facem daca , fiecarui nebun ce are arme atomice in camara , ai vine ideea de a modifica ...anual granitele " tzari sale " ? Foarte interesanta si dorinta nebunului de-a finaliza nebunia din Ucraina pana pe 9 Mai pentru ca trupele stationate aici sa poata defila in Piata Rosie la 9 Mai .Astia din West , astia din NATO , astia minte si s e mint singuri daca-si inchipuie ca asa se poate rezolva un razboi insa , daca tot platesc tot felul de strategi ...Ai dreptate : RAZBOI DE SANCHI ! Un fel de " borduriada " de primavara garnisita plantarea vesnicelor panselutze .Nu se face d e fapt mare lucru , se iau bani , se cheltuiesc bani si-atata tot insa , pentru ca tot le trebuie justificari in fatza alora de la Curtea de Conturi { c-or avea si aia de la NATO curtea lor d e conturi } fix pentru a nu le cere careva explicatii ale anomaliilor observate , vrand nevrand poarta acest razboi de sanchi , asa cum bine-l numesti dumneata .Fereasca-ne Dumnezeu insa , sa le dea totusi prin minte a capului s a participe caci SIGUR Romania va fi in prima linie : IN PAPUCI SI-N PIELEA la MArasesti , eventual avand aceleasi arme ca atunci .
Ei, nu chiar an de an. Mai aşa, la fo' opt (de la Maidanul din 2014) ;-)
Aia cu "gata de 9 mai" e dată pe surse, nu cred că o anumită dată este importantă ci rezultatul final. Eu nici acum nu îmi dau seama care este scopul final al ruşilor - dacă rămâne acelaşi regim la Kiev ("client UENATO") n-au făcut nimic, indiferent de ce graniţe noi apar.
- - - - - - -
"Oferta" neoficială lansată recent, ar fi ca Rusia să se rezume la Donbas + Harkov + Odessa + Transnistria + Bugeac (minus Kiev), renunţând* la graniţa comună cu Ungaria. Din nordul Transnistriei, "linie orizontală" spre est. În schimb, Polonia ar avea graniţă comună - din nou - cu România (via o parte din "Galiţia"), astfel înaintându-se mai clar în Proiectul Celor Trei Mări (antirusesc, antisârbesc, antiortodox). Şi "rezolvându-se" incertitudinea ucraineană, mai rămânând doar cea ungară. Ungaria este momită cu Transcarpatia dar pe care o poate obţine şi de la o Rusie vecină (via fosta Ucraină). Iar României i-ar reveni doar nordul Maramureşului şi nordul ["Bucovinei"] nordului Moldovei, până la "maxim limitele Cernăuţiului".
Nu s-ar rezolva astfel chestiunea rusă de securitate. "Ucraina redusă" are graniţa de est tot atât de aproape de Moscova, iar cea de nord expune Belarusul dinspre sud - în plus, şi din partea membrului NATO Polonia, care "ar înainta pe sub Belarus". Dacă Rusia ar accepta "soluţia" asta, înseamnă că trădarea este bine instalată acolo. Iar de ar accepta încă şi mai puţin, ar confirma solid ipoteza din fraza anterioară.
- - - - - - -
* de şi-o fi propus vreodată, acest obiectiv geostrategic: s-ar asigura astfel contiguitate terestră până în Serbia, tăind contiguitatea NATO ("a celor Trei Mări"); desigur, cu o Ungarie "basculată total", nu doar amicală faţă de Rusia, ca acum
Putin însuși a fost integraționist, chiar el a relatat. De fapt rușii și chiar URSS sub Hrușciov au vrut în NATO. Dar au fost refuzați deoarece cu Rusia sunt alte planuri. Nu primești într-o alianță defensivă o țară pe care vrei s-o faci bucăți.
Indignarea lui Biden e vocea disperării - cum adică să rămână Putin? Păi cu resursele Rusiei ce facem, mai ales că ne-am apucat și le-am băgat embargou la tot? Doar n-o să-i ridicăm lui Putin embargoul!
Despre dudă - Putin trebuie să se mulțumească cu ce pot armata rusă și serviciile. Avea tot timpul să le pregătească dar a preferat să lase resursele la oligarhi și sute de miliarde de euro rezerve în bănci occidentale, chiar și după ce briții au furat aurul Venezuelei.
Hruşciov ăla a fost o pagubă. "I-a scăpat" printre degete lui Stalin, era un mediocru evident. Compar ce-i acum (plus "Siria"-"Libia"-"Arţakh"...) cu "Spania 1936-1939", ca repetiţie generală. Acum suntem "pe la începutul lui 1938" - ca stadiu până la Ăla Mare, nu că "am mai avea doar un an până atunci".
Riddick , omule , cine-i acest Gabriel ? Omu' are o minte brici , ai merge mintea ca motoru' de helicopter ! Sa sti ca azi , exista foarte putini oameni care sa stie ca , inca de pe vremea lui Hrusciov si fireste a URSS , NATO si-a aratat disponibilitatea de-a coopta ...URSS la NATO iar aceasta disponibilitate s-a repetat pe vremea inceputului sfarsitului URSS sub Gorbaciov si chiar si-a lui Eltzin . Excelente comentariile omului : corecte si mai ales documentate !
Ce ştiu este ca are un blog (pe WordPress), Ikonoklast Debunker, care acum este setat "privat", nu se poate viziona... decât de către autor şi "invitaţi" (autentificaţi). Dar mai se poate vedea câte ceva de pe acolo, ce a apucat să se arhiveze la Wayback Machine.
De exemplu, "captura" asta:
Dar mai sunt şi alte pagini, dai click în partea de sus a ecranului şi intri.
De obicei, nu prea pic cu el pe aceleaşi idei. :-)
NATO a încercat distrugerea URSS, n-a reuşit decât parţial... cu Elţân şi Gorbaciov. A Rusiei, mai apoi.
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